Aku tak pernah tahu aku akan suka perkomputeran (programming). Sebelum ni aku ingat bidang ni adalah satu bidang yang kompleks, hanya orang genius dan betul-betul minat je boleh ngam dengan bidang ni.
Tapi macam mana kita nak tahu kita minat atau tak kalau kita tak pernah cuba?
Semester ni, aku ambil 4 subjek dan satu subjek kokurikulum. Jumlah : 5 subjek. Antaranya, Structured Algorithm and Programming. Awal-awal aku ingat susah gila tapi sebenarnya, walaupun susah, tapi benda ni sangat menarik. Setiap kali programming code berjaya run dengan baik, aku rasa macam nak makan aiskrim Magnum untuk celebrate. Rasa je la. Mampus bankrap aku kalau nak celebrate dengan Magnum. Kat sini mart ada jual aiskrim. Tapi biasalah, overpriced.
Satu hal yang tak berubah, respect aku terhadap manusia bergelar programmer. Kerjaya. Software developer. App creator. Macam mana diorang boleh run code yang panjang berjela dengan berjaya? How do they live with those codes, like, the codes are crazy kut!! Soalan aku suku kertas A4 pun empat puluh kali aku run code, baru menjadi.
Mari aku cerita pasal programming. Aku belajar Python punya code. Untuk beginner, boleh belajar guna code Python. So far, lecturer aku cakap this one is the easiest if compared to other programming languages. I think I could agree.
To start, you can watch Youtube videos here :
Link Python compiler online free , you can try this. I like using this one :
You can try download Pycharm, but I don't really like it because it's kinda messy. is better.
Basically, it is something like this;
num1 = int(input("Enter number : "))
num2 = int(input("Enter number 2 : "))
if (num1 < num2) :
print("Number ",num1, "is smaller than ", num2)
elif (num1 > num2) :
print("Number ",num1, "is larger than ", num2)
else :
print("Number ",num1, "is equal to ", num2)
In the future, everything will be about technology and digital industry. Malaysia has the best talents, but we fail to recognize the potential in our people. If we could develop these talents and make the best out of them, we can be one of the leading countries in technology. Trust me guys. We have the idea, we have the talent. The only thing we lack is the resource and full utilisation of the talents.
We couldn't appreciate enough of their talent. That's why young people prefers to work oversea. Their creativity and skills are much better appreciated. People recognize their talent, and give them opportunities to spread their wings.
I hope to see Malaysia's leading in the technology race in the future. 2020 is only a few months left, and there goes our Wawasan 2020. What a funny thing because what I expected 2020 to be is flying cars, robots as servants in the houses and buildings. But in reality, it is a horror. People losing jobs, their beloved ones, hungry kids on the street, parents gave up their baby as they cannot afford to raise them properly, people die of hunger, doctors and medical practitioners sacrificed their lives for patients.
Come on, Malaysia. We can do this. We can get rid of Covid-19 and get back on our feet.
IR 4.0